Sunday, September 30, 2018

Martha Wannabe

Why I Love Martha Stewart.

"I love Champagne and I love to drink it out of any beautiful glass" - Martha Stewart

About the look:
This dress is the perfect party dress no matter the season.  Wear it alone for a Spring or Summer garden party.  Or put a black leather jacket on with some high heels and wear it out on the town in Fall or Winter. The tulle adds a hint of innocence to your look, but you can have fun with your accessories to make it simple & elegant or sexy & sassy. 

Earrings: J.Crew
I wear these earrings with so many outfits.  They are a statement piece. Quite frankly, you don't need anything else.  They are perfect for a party, night out or even a day at the office.  They are also very lightweight so you can wear them for hours- added plus! 

Why I Love Her:
There are many reasons why I love Martha Stewart.  I grew up watching Martha with my mom.  Everyday we would sit and watch her precisely measure out her baking ingredients, perfectly fold a fitted sheet or plant the most magnificent garden you have ever seen.  Any task, Martha would do it with grace, style and perfection.  It was very intriguing watching her and the more I watched the more I wanted to be that perfect and that successful. 

On a side note: My mom and I always pretended we had our own TV show (we still do to this day).  We would bake at least once a week.  We would act as if we were tv show hosts, showing off our skills in the kitchen. That was always a dream of ours!  Our show would be more on the humorous side compared to Martha's impeccable set and classical atmosphere. Ours would be focused on the goofy duo known as Deb & Bon.

Ok, I digress, when I got older I was even more intrigued on how Martha became a household name.  She was/is an amazing entrepreneur and someone who didn't take no for an answer.  Yes, icing gingerbread houses, rolling green grapes in foie gras and boiling quail eggs in champagne vinegar for a living may not seem like the stuff financial empires are built on, but that's exactly how Martha Stewart turned her own good taste into a multimillion-dollar business. Her skill at making a fortune out of fantasy has made her a legend and has given her royalty status among her thousands of devoted followers. As a result, this self-driven queen of domesticity has taken homemaking and entertaining to a new level and taught her fans how to add a touch of elegance to their everyday lives. 

One of my favorite Martha Stewart quotes is:
"I think people who have a real entrepreneurial spirit, who can face difficulties and overcome them, should absolutely follow their desires. It makes for a much more interesting life."-Martha Stewart 

How awesome is that quote!!!  Basically if you have the drive to be or do whatever you want go for it!  Do not let the fear of the unknown stop you from doing what you want.  Martha never let the fear get in her way and now look where that got her, owning over a billion dollar business and being a name known around the world. 

This quote has actually been on my mind a lot lately.  I have recently started my journey on being a Social Media Influencer.  I have heard a lot of "you don't have enough followers" "you don't have enough time" and for a while I let those negative comments influence my decision to put that dream in the dark.  Well, not anymore.  I am going to be like Martha and laugh at the difficulties and the hard work.  I am going to do finally do this for myself.  I am going to channel my inner Martha Stewart and be who I want to be. 

Fun fact about Martha: Martha Stewart is a big animal lover, owning several dogs, cats, birds, chickens, turkeys, donkeys and horses.  That is another reason I love Martha.  Anyone who knows me, they know I am a HUGE animal lover.  I like animals more than I like people.  I recently took on the hobby of owning chickens- one of Martha's favorites.  Let's just say I am now a "chicken tender"...see what I did there?  I actually have a Martha Stewart bowl I keep all of our fresh eggs in.  Again, channeling my inner Martha Stewart even if it's on our mini farm in the middle of town. 

If I had the acreage I would own even more dogs, cats and chickens.  I would also love to own donkeys, horses, goats, pigs, cows.  Name it and I want it!  

Martha, in my opinion, is the best baker ever!  Sorry Ina, Martha is hands down the best!  I remember watching her bake a cake or pie and just thinking to myself this is amazing! I also love how she is a firm believer in measuring cups!  Now a days cooking shows do a splash of this or a pinch of that....NO!  Tell me, is it a 1/2 cup of sugar or a whole cup!  I remember watching her pull her baked goods out of the oven and they just looked perfect. They were also decorated as if she was hosting a 100 person party. I mean it was breathtaking! Nothing but perfection when watching Martha in her element. 
While baking, I really do try and be like Martha!  Of course, my baking may or may not have hints of dog or cat hair in them...but, I should get an A for effort. I know I am far from Martha with my baking skills, but I will forever use a measuring cup, and I know my baked goods could have the potential to be a show stopper. I just hope my guests don't mind them sprinkled with pet hair...I promise I really try to not have that happen!

"I love the challenge of starting at zero every day and seeing how much I can accomplish"

Let's all take a little advice from Martha.  Everyday when you wake up, be excited for what you are going to accomplish that day.  Don't wake up dreading the unknown.  Be excited at the opportunity to be successful that day.  You never know....that may be the day you become who you truly want to be. Love the challenge, love the hard work and honestly, love starting from zero!

I have to end with this one blooper shot.  This picture sums it all up! How I am a Martha Stewart wannabe but, far from being that PERFECT Martha


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