Me, Myself & I

Welcome to the show!

My name is Bonnie Powell and this blog will focus on my crazy life that revolves around my wonderful family: my husband, 4 Golden Retrievers, 1 cat and 10 chickens, my passion for fashion, my mediocre skills of gardening, my love of baking, and my charming southern town.  Honestly, I really just want to make my readers smile and hopefully give off a laugh or two when they read each blog post! 

I do believe my life is very entertaining.  I am constantly wishing for a tv show, I would make a great "Real Housewives of Bluffton" or "My Animals Run My Life" reality star.  So if you are reading this Bravo TV, Animal Planet, etc. I am here when you are ready!

Since this blog is going to focus on my life, here is a little background on who I am...
I am originally from Baltimore, Maryland which means I have Old Bay in my blood.  At this moment I have five containers of Old Bay in my pantry.  "You can take the girl outta Baltimore but you can't take Baltimore outta the that hun!"

I am currently living in a small, coastal, southern town in South Carolina and I have been here for almost 13 years now, crazy how time goes by!  Bluffton, South Carolina is hard to find on a map but it is truly a treasure worth finding.  It is here in this small town where I met the man of my dreams, my wonderful husband.  Jesse is by far the most caring, understanding person I know!  He truly understands me and he really loves and embraces me for who I am- he even excepts my obsession of Disney/ Disney World!  He really does love my crazy quirks and I cannot express how thankful I am to have him in my life.   

Because of his lack of telling me "no" that is how we ended up with our little golden zoo.  Currently we have 4 Golden Retrievers (Ollie, Zoe, Maverick & Albus), 1 cat (Tony) and 10 chickens (Candy Corn, Teriyaki, Big Jo, Pony, Lil' Bo Peep, Barb, Nikki O, Popcorn, Bodak and Martha).  A lot of posts will focus on these crazy animals because let's face it...these animals run my life!  

I also love fashion, it is always my goal to stand out in unique clothes/pairings.  I really do try and pick out the most uncommon pieces and pull them off to the best of my ability.  You will also see a lot of fashion posts on this blog.  I hope my fashion posts can inspire my readers to embrace standing out in a crowd! 

I could go on and on about who I am and what I am passionate about!  But, I will end this introduction here and I hope you enjoy reading this blog and hopefully I can bring a smile to your face.    

  On an end note: A quick summary of me: I am a Disney loving mermaid wannabe who is a complete herbivore and most importantly a huge animal activist.



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